The Carmelites

Our missionary Carmelite Family -- priests, sisters, and laity -- try to help God's poor people in 25 countries throughout the world. With your prayerful and financial support of the Carmelite Missions, our missionaries can be the compassion and caring of God, the hands and heart of Jesus, to the fragile, forgotten and forsaken. 

These are some of the challenges in Carmelite missionary areas that plead for our help and concern.

  • Spread the good news of God's love to people in emerging countries in concrete ways they can understand.
  • Live the message of Jesus who identified with the poor, by feeding, loving, comforting and caring for Him by doing it for them, among the poor families of the Philippines.
  • Stop the rise of tuberculosis as the major cause of death for children aged 7-14 in the Southern Andes of Peru.
  • Restore medical clinics to help the wounded of countless families in the once wartorn villages of East Timor.
  • Assist over 10,000 poor people in our Carmelite parish of the Resurrection with its 17 mission stations in Torreon, Mexico.

Spreading the Good News of Jesus and Assisting the
Carmelite Family in 25 Missionary Countries

Fr. John Malley, O.Carm., Director
Carmelite Missions
8501 Bailey Road
Darien, IL  60561-8418

see the website at