2012/2013 activities

 Activities for 2012/2013 year

Monthly activites included pick-up and delivery of donated

Panera baked products to local charities & food pantries

10+ times per month. Charities including but not limited to:

The Carmlite Monastery, STOV food pantry, St. Theresa,

St. Joseph's Home for the Elderly/Little Sisters of the Poor,

Greencastle of Palatine, Miles Jesu, CEDA NW, Society of

Divine Word Missions, Maryville Academy, Christian

Appalachia Project, Appalachia Service Project, Mount St. Joseph

& others. Eucharistic Adoration at St. Theresa Church, providing

desserts to the St. Theresa Hospitality Committee for

"Welcoming Sunday".


In May Auxiliary members attended the annual Knights of

Columbus convention in Lombard winning six KC awards &

numerous door prizes. Awards won incuded: Best Council/

Auxiliary Joint Function Award (plaque), Community  Award

(plaque), Church Award (plaque),Public Relations Certificate

- 3rd place,  Scrapbook Certificate & plaque - 2nd place AA

division, and Lady of the Year; enjoyed a Cinco de Mayo

Party at the regualr monthly meeting, held a 3-day  garage

sale to raise funds for charity, assisted at the annual KC

dinner for the Intelletually Disabled  (the KC distributed

thousands of dollars in checks to numerous charities), they

assisted at the 40th ordination anniversary reception for

Fr. Tom, Pastor of St. Thomas  of Villanova, & assisted the

St. Theresa Respect Life with the annual Mothers Day flower

sale to benefit the Women's Center, all of this in the first 1/2

of the month! May "Lady of the Month" was Mary C. Powers


In June, auxiliary members joined others from Palatine

in participating in the rally in downtown Chicago in support

of Relgious Freedom; held a joint installation dinner with

the Knights of Columbus when newly elected officers were

sworn in; participated in the "Fortnight for Freedom" in which

the US Catholic Bishops called for all Catholics to unite for 2

weeks of focused prayer and fasting for a reversal of the HHS

Mandate and to restore our religious liberty. Auxiliary Pres.

Barbara Simeo presented awards to several auxiliary

members. Lady of the Month was Connie West.


In July Auxiliary members walked with the Knights of Columbus

in the 4th of July parade, volunteered with Feed My Starving

Children, volunteered to help serve over 800 service personnel

at Great Lakes Naval Base, attended Joseph and the Amazing

Technicolor  Dreamcoat play at St. Thomas (cast included Auxiliary

member Connie West), and served lunch to the participants of the

Pro-Life Action League's Truth Tour. At the monthly meeting, the

first for the new Board, Auxiliary members enjoyed appetizers and

desserts in celebration of Independence D.ay


In August Auxiliary members enjoyed BINGO at the monthly

meeting, conducted by Mary Kittler.