Catholic Home Schooling

Catholic Home Schooling

For programs available, see:

Catholic homeschooling information

Our Lady Queen of Peace Home School Group see website at: See also


Home School Information Night

Time: from 7-8:30PM

Where: Palatine Public Library 700 North Court Palatine IL

This is an information night for Catholic parents who want to know about home schooling or are already home schooling and looking for support.  There was a presentation about home schooling with time for questions and answers. Home schooling curriculum was available for viewing and free information packets was distributed.  Refreshments usually served.  For more information contact  OLQP at the website:  This is an annual event.


Angelicum Academy 

Catholic homeschool and liberal education program based on the liberal arts and the classical great books of Western civilization (with optional, Socratic discussion seminars).

Classical Liberal Arts Academy
Classical Liberal Arts Academy is known for its unique work at the highest levels of classical Catholic education, but we also provide for the youngest Catholic homeschool students, just as carefully.

Kolbe Academy Home School
Catholic Private School in Napa, CA, that will help you with your Catholic homeschooling.

Mother of Divine Grace School
An independent study program dedicated to helping you design your own classical curriculum.

Our Lady of Victory School
Using Our Lady of Victory’s lesson plans and texts, parents can be absolutely certain that they are giving their children a completely authentic, academically challenging, and doctrinally sound Catholic education, based upon the entire Magisterial teaching of Holy Mother Church.

Saint Anne’s Helper
Saint Anne’s Helper helps you design a Catholic homeschool for your family that teaches all your children need to know, love, and serve God in this world so as to be happy with Him in Heaven. See K-12 homeschool books, downloads, and ideas of how to compare both old and new to prepare your children for real-life your way.

Seton Home Study School
A distance learning program to help parents with the Catholic education of their children, in all subject areas, in grades kindergarten through high school.

St. Thomas Aquinas Academy
A program designed by homeschoolers for the homeschooling family, encouraging a relaxed teaching style resulting in a competent, confident child with enthusiasm for learning, ready for college, work, and family life.